Thursday, October 22, 2015

Week 34+2days

     Woohoo! Week 34. So close!! Can you believe it? I can't believe it. I'm not gonna update like I usually do, mostly because, well everything is the same, except ya know, I'm bigger. And I am just so ready to have my baby. The nesting has kicked in, but I'm too big and my back hurts too much to actually do things. So I am trying to get things cleaned a little at a time, organized a little at a time. Even if that means sitting to do most of it, I am finding creative ways to work around the big belly. :P Plus the Ball is coming up, which thankfully I found a gown to wear. *wipes brow* But anywhoooo, onto the pictures.
Week 34

     I found this really cool prayer the other day. Just thought I would share it on here, I know a few other women, and soon to be moms read this blog and I just like having it on my phone to read aloud sometimes to comfort myself, to remind myself of these things. I want to shape myself into the woman that not only God is proud of, but that my daughter can be proud of. I never knew I would fall in love with someone I hadn't met yet so so much, but I have. And it's unlike anything ever. Feeling her kick me, and seeing the 3D/4D picture on my lock screen every time I look at my phone just makes my heart swell. I hope she feels that love. I hope I make her proud. I want to give her everything in this world. <3

1 comment:

  1. That's a good prayer! Give that beautiful belly a squeeze for me. Won't be long now... :-)
