Monday, March 28, 2016

Jumbled Thoughts

   Sometimes, my brain goes kind of crazy. I never knew how much a mom had to do. I never even imagined I'd be a wife, let alone a mother. So many nights awake, so much hair falling out. So many dinners made while trying to calm little Hadley. So many diapers. So many onesies. So many outfits, and headbands. So many lost binkys. Lost socks. So many nights where T and I go to bed exhausted from our busy busy days. Not to mention starting the gym. We both are trying to take care of ourselves, take care of each other, and take care of Hadley. And don't get me started on the marines that T has to babysit. Grown men. Grown men that need their rooms cleaned, and their lives under a micro-scope. Oh yeah, and then there is court that we have to attend in June. Ugh. Our lives are so busy. I am so excited to go visit AR and see our friends and family! To have a small break. T and I joke about having another baby sometimes, and really, we can't wait. But really, we can definitely wait. :P I never thought I could love two people so immensely. Even in the middle of all of our busy busy lives, I fall in love with my hubby and my daughter every single day. Every smile, and laugh and even though I'm busy and crazy and emotional and crazy, and oh yeah, crazy, I still am just so in love with my little family.  I love you darlings.

Friday, March 25, 2016

So sorry...

 I haven't blogged in a while. I've just been so busy! I know that's not an excuse! BUT, it's mine. :P 
  Hadley is growing, fast and sweet. I think the worst it's been is really just not getting enough sleep to take care my own self. Especially since I've started to get back to the gym. It's been hard to spend an hour at the gym and Hadley doesn't get to bed until 8:30 or 9. Which doesn't bother me one bit!! But then I'm up every two hours or so. Sleep is my biggest issue. But working out has been helping my mood emensely!! :D I love being back in the gym!! Which I'm sure Hadley loves too, since it gives me the energy to do things with her! She's growing so big and fast! Not to mention my hubby! I'm sure he's loving it too!((; I guess to keep myself on track here's a bunch of photos of what all is going on!((: Enjoy! 

One Sunday for church(: 

Had this little beauty sent to me by Meg(:

Represent!! (: 

Date night! (: <3 

Family photo shoot!!! :D

Beginning of our healthy foodness. <3

My absolute sweeties! <3 

St. Patty's day! She's wearing green! (: 

My post-p picture. I'm working on it! 💪🏼

Happy Easter! Bless you!!